Social Media – The Controversy

What does social media really mean? Does it depend on our age? Does it depend on our gender? Our ethnicity? Of course it does. So how do you expect someone to put a freakin’ label on something like that. It really gets on my nerves sometimes when people complain because that we can’t “define” it. That’s because it means something different to everyone! Jeesh people. Anyways, what I want to talk about today is Social Media Technology in general and then some about how my research paper is going. I really do love this class, it’s a senior level class. yes, I know that it is a first-year class. But that doesn’t mean it’s a slack class. This class has so much potential. Why waste it? This class can literally HELP you get a job! Take the initiative, get off your butt and do something useful to put yourself out there. That’s the world that we live in, ya know that right? The more you put yourself out there, the better chance you are going to have of someone discovering you. YOU have SO MUCH TALENT! Don’t waste it for God’s sake! Put yourself out there and do something you love and get paid beautifully for doing it.

–End Rant–

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